------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MicroBBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write good code. Test it. Then make it great. - RKRM Libraries p. 922 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several private releases... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.1 - private ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - removed options: - SysopColor - UserColor - Watch ( Config & Commandline!) - added options: - ( Console ( Left ) ( Top ) ( Width ) ( Height ) ( PubScreen ) (with auto-fallback) ( Font ) ( FontSize ) ) only with key! - ( Screen ( Width ) ( Height ) ( Depth ) ( Name ) ( DisplayID ) (no hex value!) ) only with key! - ( Chatter ( SerialColor ) ( ConsoleColor ) ) only with key! - ( Prompt ) set's the BBS-prompt default: "%H:%M:%S> " only with key! - added command: - ( Echo ) Hint: ( Echo "" ) == ClearScreen... - changed command: - WaitReturn will NOT type WaitReturn.txt anymore! Use a batch like this from now on: ( WaitReturn.bat ( WaitReturn.txt ) ( WaitReturn ) ) or better: ( WaitReturn.bat ( Echo "< Return >" ) ( WaitReturn ) ) - the Text-function tries to execute WaitReturn.bat when typing texts which are longer than the users maxlines. - using console.device instead of CON: - no waste of cpu-time anymore - should loose less or no chars anymore - done major rework on the spawnmode: - should be faster now - supports RAW & CON - removed this stupid "make the config lowercase" behaviour - added LOADS of percent commands, all time related: - %a short name of the weekday - %A full - %b short name of the month - %B full - %c local displaymethod of date and time - %d day of the month (01-31) - %H hour (00-23) - %I hour (01-12) - %j day of the year (001-366) - %m month (01-12) - %M minute (00-59) - %p local equivalent of AM or PM - %S second (00-61) - %U week of the year (sunday is first weekday) (00-53) - %w weekday (0-6) - %W week of the year (monday is first weekday) (00-53) - %x local displaymethod of the date - %X local displaymethod of the time - %y year without century (00-99) - %Y year including century - %Z name of the time-zone - problems left: - cursorkeys don't work correct - no PASTE in console window - soon: - correct ansi-colors - PASTE - cursorkeys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.11 - private ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - fixed a really stupid BUG which gurued the download - fixed ansi-colors - replaced option - ( Screen ( DisplayID ) (no hex value!) ) with - ( Screen ( Mode ) (e.g. PICASSO:800x600x256 ) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.12 - private ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - crippeled some functions Function name functionality without key - Upload none - GetLines single line only - Configs none - Console uses default settings - Screen none - Chatter uses default settings - Node (CLI-Arg) defaults to 0 - changed option: ( Menu ( Before ) ) The Before-option will no more be executed after performing a menu-option. Use the after-option instead. To get the same functinality as before, add an After-option with the same command as the Before-option to every menu. - added option: ( Menu ( After ) ) - moved location of FLG to BBS:Commands/FLG/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.13 - private ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - fixed: some zero-page trashing during startup. enforcer-hit in config-building and config-scanning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.14 - private ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - fixed: trouble with upload-function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.15 - public - 10.03.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - fixed: improved handler. Remote-Shell works now. - removed: WriteMessage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.16 - public 05.05.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - added: - %Device serial device used. - %Unit serial unit used. - Tooltype EXCLUSIVE open serial device in non-shared mode. - fixed - some proplems with telnet. - fixed Enforcerhits. - reworked input again... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------